Source code for crookbook

import six

[docs]def essence(attrs, mutable=True): if isinstance(attrs, six.string_types): attrs = attrs.split(' ') def essence_maker(cls): def __essence__(self): return tuple(getattr(self, attr) for attr in attrs) setattr(cls, '__essence__', __essence__) def eq(self, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return self.__essence__() == cls.__essence__(other) return NotImplemented setattr(cls, '__eq__', eq) if six.PY2: # Taken from: # def ne(self, other): equal = self.__eq__(other) return equal if equal is NotImplemented else not equal setattr(cls, '__ne__', ne) def hash_(self): return hash(self.__essence__()) setattr(cls, '__hash__', None if mutable else hash_) # Would use total_ordering, but the recursive comparison issue is still present in # Python 2.7, so have to work this way instead. def lt(self, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return self.__essence__() < cls.__essence__(other) return NotImplemented def le(self, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return self.__essence__() <= cls.__essence__(other) return NotImplemented def gt(self, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return self.__essence__() > cls.__essence__(other) return NotImplemented def ge(self, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return self.__essence__() >= cls.__essence__(other) return NotImplemented setattr(cls, '__lt__', lt) setattr(cls, '__le__', le) setattr(cls, '__gt__', gt) setattr(cls, '__ge__', ge) return cls return essence_maker
[docs]def described(inner): def described_maker(cls): def repr_(self): return ('<{0.__class__.__name__} ' + inner + '>').format(self) setattr(cls, '__repr__', repr_) if '__str__' not in cls.__dict__: def str_(self): return repr(self) setattr(cls, '__str__', str_) return six.python_2_unicode_compatible(cls) return described_maker